PTA General Body Meeting 2023-24

The PTA General Body Meeting for the academic year 2023-24 was held on August 3,2023 in the school auditorium.The programme was organised in two sessions. The morning session was conducted for parents of kindergarten to grade IV and the afternoon session was conducted for grade V to X. The meeting aimed to foster a strong and healthy relationship between parents and teachers for the holistic development of the student.

The guest speaker for the event was Mrs. Stella Roche councillor from Manglore. Along with Sr. Gracy Monica, the Correspondent; Sr. Leera Maria, the local manager; Sr. Anitha Tressy ,the Principal; and Mrs Imraz Banu, the Vice President were also present.

The meeting commenced by imploring the Divine blessings. The welcome was accorded by the Principal Sr Anitha Tressy and strengthened by melodious voice of the students. The presence of the parents in large number was very encouraging.The students of grade X who worked hard to excel in board exams were acknowledged and felicitated.

In the morning session, Mrs. Stella Roch focused on child parenting, including the five languages of love and the traits of healthy parent-child relationships. She concentrated on the keyword ABC. Awareness; Recognise your child’s love languages.Try to comprehend what your child is saying to you in the language of love. Boundaries ; extend boundries as they grow . Consistent – Be Consistent With Your Discipline. In the afternoon session she addressed the audience using key word SIT that is S for small , I for Independent and T for technology. She highlighted on the little things in child’s life, provide opportunities for your child to be independent and responsible use of technology.The meeting strengthened the bond between the management, parents and the teachers, and ended with a positive note with the singing the national anthem.